Back to Blogging

8:06:00 AM

It's been a minute since I've really paid attention to the blog! Partly its been because life is busy, and this interest fell by the wayside. Running a blog is a funny thing. It's supposed to be a fun, creative outlet, and it can be exhilarating to get a piece just right. But sometimes it also is vulnerable and pressure-filled and discouraging. And I found myself thinking it didn't really matter, so I spent the last few months writing only for myself.

But in the end I realized (with a little encouragement from my friends) that I care, and that's enough for me. This blog is a capsule of my life and thoughts, mostly for myself, but also for others to follow along if they want. When I stopped writing I had a few people reach out and ask why and to hear that they cared about this blog really made me feel so good!

So here's to blogging again and here's to doing more things for ourselves!!

Life update:
I am now in my final semester at USF which seems crazy to me. True to form, this semester is proving to be a busy one!

I am doing my senior capstone which is where the nursing students are placed in a specialty and do 180 hours of clinical work. You basically work your nurse preceptor's schedule for 2-3 12 hour shifts per week until you hit 180. During this time you are learning to take on a full RN role and practicing all your nursing skills. I am placed in the same unit I've been working as a PCA on for 2+ years, the Intensive Care Nurser (NICU) at UCSF! This is wonderful because I already know and love the people and the patients, and I get to do even more fun work there as a nurse. It is also so reassuring to know that I love it as a nurse. As a PCA there was always a worry in the back of my head, that what if I wasn't good at being a NICU nurse or didn't like it as much as I'd hoped. But that is not the case, I absolutely love it. I have completed 5 shifts, and have 10 to go!

Meanwhile I'm taking some nursing classes and cramming for our big exit exam as well as applying for jobs and working as a PCA still! I am somehow still finding time to enjoy myself and have to say this is shaping up to be one of my favorite semesters yet.

I keep finding myself so happy, all the time. I am so excited about finally getting to do the nursing I having been dreaming of. I'm looking forward to all the opportunities open to me. I am excited for the fun "lasts" this semester and just making the most of the time I have left as a college student. There is just so much good in my life and I am grateful every day for my people and my life.

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